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Second Stimulus? Nope, We just need to have Patience.

Economists right now are saying that the stimulus wasn't "big enough", that the Obama administration should consider a second stimulus package. One thing republicans have right in my opinion is that we should...
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Just Say No.

As a youngster, this was the positive anti-drug usage slogan brought to my school by our local DARE officer. And outside of a few years of "herbal" stimulation, the message hit home pretty successfully. Today...
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"Michael Jackson is not a black icon" -Bill O'Reilly If you ever doubted it, this video is obvious proof that FOX News is complete garbage.  You are better off picking up 'Star' or any one of those stupid ...
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Do We Still Have What it Takes?

This Saturday America celebrates its independence with the usual mixture of fireworks, bbq's and sports events. This is also the first 4th of July under a black President, Barack Obama. And while I'm sure ...
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HIV/AIDS and its effect on Black People.

Here is the deal: If the entire world's population was infected with the HIV virus and no one received a vaccine for the virus what would happen eventually over time? Well, obviously people will die. May...
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Rappers Being Hit By the Recession.

So, I was reading the Wall Street Journal and I came across this article.  This is just hilarious.  Culture of Bling Clangs to Earth as the Recession Melts Rappers' Ice By MIGUEL BUSTILLO After years o...
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Michelle Obama is called the B word.

In furious disagreement to an ordered hit on a government whistle blower and his family, Tony Montana laid down the line you don't cross in this world. "No women or children!" It has always been understood an...
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“The Understanding” by Mikey McFly- School Daze

What does a college education mean to you? For me, it was an opportunity to get closer to a dream not a career, a job, but a dream. That dream wasn’t based on anything sufficient like a 5-year plan rather...