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Geraldo Blames The Hoodie More So Then The Killer

By now I'm sure most of you have heard the remarks of Geraldo Rivera as the Trayvon Martin case and its various layers effect the nation. Geraldo, while not faulting the victim, does basically place an unus...

Job seekers getting asked for Facebook passwords

In another twist on employers checking out candidates on social networking sites there are reports of employers asking for the Facebook passwords of job applicants and, in some cases, for cur...

Loyalty in Pro Sports is a Rarity

The NBA trade deadline has come and gone and as is always the case, many players changed teams but a few notables remained lock with their respective clubs. The biggest piece on the board, that had many NBA f...
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Is KONY “Famous” Yet ????

Roughly a week after my 1st viewing of the KONY2012 video I can honestly say that I have no clue how I am going to proceed. Do I know more about the criminal Joesph Kony and the reasons why he should be dealt ...
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Above is the video detailing the attrocities commited by Joseph Kony. He is a murderer, kidnapper, rapist and genocidist. He must be stopped. There is a viral movement as well as a Twitter movement aimed ...