Giving Back: Jam4Jamaica

In the midst of the heated racial and political tensions of the U.S these days. It's important that we keep in mind that many others in the world are dealing with issues too and thankfully there are those try...
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Geraldo Blames The Hoodie More So Then The Killer

By now I'm sure most of you have heard the remarks of Geraldo Rivera as the Trayvon Martin case and its various layers effect the nation. Geraldo, while not faulting the victim, does basically place an unus...
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Is KONY “Famous” Yet ????

Roughly a week after my 1st viewing of the KONY2012 video I can honestly say that I have no clue how I am going to proceed. Do I know more about the criminal Joesph Kony and the reasons why he should be dealt ...
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Baby Drinks Beer at Phillies Game [Video]

The baby caught with a beer bottle in his mouth on the fan cam at a Phillies game is probably closer to 3 or 4, but that doesn't make the video any less shocking. The video of the little blondie in the stands i...