Obama vs. Romney – Who cuts Medicare?

Since Mitt Romney announced his selection for Vice President nearly one week ago, the campaign has scrambled to explain how Romney’s own policy proposals compare to his nominee’s widely publicized and ...

New York and New Jersey moving ahead on health care

New York and New Jersey are both moving forward with plans to comply with the national health care law, which would extend coverage to the uninsured by 2014. An analysis by The Associated Press shows 13 sta...
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Ted Kennedy’s Last Message To Obama

During Saturdays memorial and burial for Ted Kennedy, one message kept coming through loud and clear . It was articulated by almost every speaker. It was mentioned by the Kennedy parish priest, it was mentio...
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Pulling The Plug On Wolf Blitzer And CNN

Wolf Blitzer who is well known for caving in against right wing pressure did a piece on healthcare the other day called "the public outrage" over the public option. The robotic Blitzer who doesn't seem ...