After recently surprising fans with a new backwards version of his very critically-acclaimed and recently Grammy-nominated latest album, DAMN., Kendrick Lamar hits his fans with an early Christmas gift. As he gives us the very enticing and lovely, love-filled Dave Meyers and the little homies.-directed video for one of the more catchy and pop-tinged records from the album, the Zacari-featured, LOVE. The fifth video from the great co-director duo from just this album alone, it continues to be a winning combination, as starting off at the beach, before being with his woman and showing all the ups and downs of a relationship, including having a loving lovely time with his lady to all the different temptations throughout. Just when you think he couldn’t make one just as great or better as his last one, this is is yet another great visual, which truly brings the record to life and shows yet again how truly great of a true artist, Kendrick really is. Showing how much he continues to be so great at not just the music he makes, but everything down to the visuals, album packinging and release strategy, it’s almost as if he can do no wrong at the moment. You can watch it all unfold in his latest amazing new video below.