Dr. Conrad Murray, who is the doctor that was residing at Michael Jackson’s home and was the only person who was present at the time of his death, has been very uncooperative with authorities so far. When investigators requested Michael Jackson’s medical records, Dr. Murray did not comply.
On July 28, 2009, investigators searched Dr. Conrad Murray’s home and office with a warrant, according to TMZ. They are looking for any medical records that are associated with Michael Jackson. Dr. Conrad Murray was home during the investigation, however. TMZ reports that the search warrant was for documents, which can range from “papers to hard drive computers.”
Dr. Conrad Murray has been regarded as one of the main suspects in the investigation of Michael Jackson’s death. Aside from not being willing to cooperate over medical records, Dr. Murray has done a number of other things to draw suspicion from officials. He waited twenty to thirty minutes to phone 911 when Michael Jackson went into cardiac arrest. Murray claims that the reason he did not call right away is because he did not know the address, despite the fact that he lived there. Dr. Conrad Murray also has been under investigation for a botched surgery in the past, which you can read more about here.
Depending on what the toxicology report for Michael Jackson shows, Dr. Conrad Murray or any other doctor who provided the singer with prescription drugs or anesthesia could be under criminal investigation for manslaughter. The case is already being treated as a homicide. There is not any word yet on what the investigation of Dr. Conrad Murray’s home or office has unveiled.
More coverage on Michael Jackson.