Everybody’s got a CD now a days, any two people can print up a few t-shirts and call themselves a company. Pharmaceutical companies are spending 10s of millions of dollars starting labels named after a body spray. In my opinion its just a glorified marketing campaign, exploiting hip hop. But that’s another blog
So does it seem wrong that what seems like 1 out of every 4 young black males wants to be a rapper. I mean I don’t think being a musical artist should be a job choice for anyone under the age of 18, not even top 10.
Yes, I am a rapper, and yes, I can say the last project I put out was the worst investment ever, only by normal economic standards of course. In retrospect that money, I feel probably would have been wasted in clubs or on clothes seeing that I was the least bit interested in financial responsibility, and still not quite where I need to be…lol…
Instead of seeing it as a bad investment in the music industry, I see it as an investment into my growth as an entrepreneur. I learned about general business, marketing, management, entrepreneurship, networking, budgeting, and a lot more creatively too.
So maybe the fact that so many of our youth WANT to be rappers isn’t such a bad thing after all. If we can use that interest as a spark for education in business or in entrepreneurship we might have a gateway for the future, not only for Hip Hop as a business, but as a culture as well .
“The economic conditions in black communities are such that people don’t got no time to be leisurely involved in some culture…..when young black people are involved in hip-hop, it’s for economic benefit……It’s been modified into business…..but people’s situations are very pressing, sometimes very desperate, and people recognize hip-hop as a way to improve their (economic) situation.” – Mos Def