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Lupe Fans Gather For Fiasco Friday

As promised, Lupe Fiasco fans are coming together today to celebrate the March 8, 2011 release date of Lasers. Initially the gathering was to protest against the delay of the project. The photos were taken...
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Erykah Badu Says Rap’s Losing Edge

Erykah Badu vented via her Twitter account about hip-hop sounding like techno music lately. UGC complied her tweets into the two paragraphs below. How y’all gone stand by and let our music turn into pop techno cornball ass music. We don’t own our music no more. Come to think of it, did we EVER own it? when I say own our music , I’m not talkin bout the artist I’m talkin bout the people … let me be quiet. I wanna hear from the young people? easy for me to complain about this techno-pop cause i have a taste for something else. but how do u feel? These rappers ought to be shame of they damn selves, I’m talkin bout the mc’ s rappin over this pop techno music. I believe in pimpin the system but got DAMN! not like this.
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Drake Admits Penning Love Record For Nicki Minaj

Young Money star Drake has confirmed recent speculation that he wrote his Alicia Keys record, "Un-Thinkable," about labelmate Nicki Minaj. According to Drake, he based his lyrics around his emotions toward Minaj. "It is [about Minaj], I'm not gonna lie," Drake told "The concept came from a conversation that we had, or conversations we have. I wrote it based off two things: number one, based off that, and then two, based off Alicia [Keys] and Swizz and their situation and it just seemed fitting. It was like the perfect concept."
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Lil’ Wayne’s Letter #9: “I’m Back!”

Weezy is back with a new letter from Rikers. He lets his fans know about his recent relocation. If you did not know Lil Wayne has been sent to solitary confinement for the remainder of his sentence because of the MP3 incident he had awhile back. Weezy talks about what he has to go through on a day to day basis in his new spot. 25 more days till he touches the town. Check out the letter after the jump.