According to the AP Republican National Committe chairman Michael Steele, the 1st black chairman, spoke to hundreds of black activists at the anual meeting for the National Action Network which is an organization started by Rev. Al sharpton.
Michael Steel addressed the group by saying that his party wants to help the black community but they need to do a better job of depending on themselves and not the government to create opportunities. That is a pretty strong statement but his message was well recieved for the most part, aside from questions and comments about the “Tea Party Movement” that Steele is trying to get into the hands of Republicans.
I find it extremely odd that after Steele was accused of spending abuse he’s back on the trail repping the GOP. I personally think the only reason he wasn’t forced to resign is because the party needs him to “woo” the black vote. Thats only my opinion and is not to meant to take away from his qualifications and ability to lead the party.