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The Simplest Cellphone Ever, The Anti-Smartphone

Did John just out-simplify the Jitterbug by designing a phone that looks straight out of the late 1990s? Seems so:Called John's Phone, this concept is as bare bones as they come. Take too quick a glance and you...
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R.I.P Sony Walkman Cassette Player [1979 -2010]

Say it isn't so! Sony says it is officially putting the cassette Sony Walkman out to pasture. In fact, the last batch was shipped out months ago. Once they sell out, it's over.Check out this Cassette Player Fac...
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Google Creates Car that Drives Itself

The car is a project of Google, which has been working in secret but in plain view on vehicles that can drive themselves, using artificial-intelligence software that can sense anything near the car and mimi...
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Toshiba to Launch Tablets World-wide in 2011

Toshiba plans to launch tablet computing devices in the U.S., Japan and elsewhere early next year, a top Toshiba engineer said in an interview."The market for tablets is very hot right now," said Hideo Kasuya, ...
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Best Buy wants the BlackBerry PlayBook

Research In Motion dropped a grenade this week with the announcement of the BlackBerr PlayBook, a tablet device that boasts specs that would make an iPad hide in shame. The Wall Street Journal is now reporting...
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New Windows Phone Ads Released featuring HTC Mondrian

  Although Microsoft has a tough job making Windows Phone 7 relevant in a world already full of competing platforms, and two that are considered state of the art (Android and iOS), we know it will through tons...