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More than one Memorial Day

Memorial Day was originally observed on May 30th back when it was called Decoration Day, the Civil War era tradition instituted by Northern Army General John Logan who, in 1868 ordered that a day be set aside t...
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By Patrick Solorzano What are you looking for when you are out seeking employment?  Is it decent pay, sildenafil a great benefit package, try a nice retirement program fund, a good and fair work environment...
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War on Drugs “Not Successful”

The "War on Drugs" a term first used by Richard Nixon was an agenda intended to both define and reduce the illegal drug trade. The initiative includes a set of laws and policies intended to discourage the produ...
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Bono Meets With Obama Regarding Africa

Obama and some members of his National Security staff met with  and activist, Bono. According to the Associated Press the meeting between the goup was to discuss the administrations development efforts in Af...
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Black Tea Party members Dazed and Confused?

The Tea Party phenomenon has been in full swing since President Obama was inaugurated with some surprising new members. African Americans have been joining the tea party lately voicing their views and opinion...