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Dead Man Elected Mayor in Tennesse Town

The AP reported this morning that the people of Tracy City, TN elected Carl Robin Dreary as their new mayor. The only issue is that Mr. Dreary has been deceased for a few weeks now.  Carl Robin Dreary beat out...
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Bloomberg, New Yorks Best Mayor?

According to a Marist College Poll that was released today 38% of the participants say that current New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been the best mayor for teh city in 30 years. Now I feel that is a very s...
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GOP Chairman Steele Admits “Mistakes”

Earlier today Republican Committie Chairman Michael Steele,  admitted to making mistakes in a speech addressing the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, LA.  Steele has been under heavy ...
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Hero in Shoe Bombing Terrorist Attack gets Citizenship

According to the Assocated Press Kwame James, who is now 32 assisted in subduing and gaurding a terrorist on his flight from Paris to Miami. In December of 2001 the terrorist, Richard Reid, attempted to lig...
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Obama signs student loan overhaul

The bill was quietly passed last week alongside health care reform. The plan will remove commercial banks from the student loan business (right now, they're responsible for distributing loans) and is pre...