Victoria Monét Coasts Through Summer, In Sunny & Aesthetically Beautiful Fun New Video, Coastin’

Almost exactly a month after releasing her very upbeat and groovy playful newest Stereotypes-produced single, Coastin’. Beautifully talented singer and songwriter, Victoria Monét, returns today with the premiere of the single’s sunny and aesthetically beautiful fun new Omar Jones-directed accompanying video for the record.

The very beautifully and aesthetically immaculate stunning new visual. Finding Victoria. From the diner scene to coastin’ on the highway, dancing at a party and enjoying such a fun time at a skate party. Serving plenty of stunningly glowing looks. To go along with a great storyline and A1 acting.

That just feels like an immaculate great experience. The way that Victoria serves style, grace, fashion, beauty, vocals, great choreography, acting and aesthetically beautiful stunning set design. To go with plenty of black excellence, immaculate old-school vibes and purely artistically great creative control. That’s truly one of a kind. Which are able to help bring the very fun, playful and groovy upbeat vibes of the record even more to life. Really separating Victoria from many of her peers. As one of the most artistic and creatively great artists of her generation.