T.I. Signs T.V. and Book Deal

T.I.  released from Forrest City Correctional Facility in Georgia early Wednesday morning one month earlier than scheduled.  He will serve the remainder of his time in a halfway house, but don’t think thats going to hold “The Kang” back from his grind.

The Grand Hustle general has signed a deal for a book and reality show.

In October, HarperCollins will publish a new book written by T.I. called “Power & Beauty,” a fictional tale about two friends torn apart by the savage streets of Atlanta.

As far as the T.V. deal, VH1 gave the go-ahead for a 10-episode reality series starring the rapper himself, and will document his attempt to readjust to life out of prison after serving 10 months of his 11-month sentence for violating his probation last year.

With moves like these I don’t think that “readjusting” is going to be to hard.  Tip is also using his work release to work on his upcoming album. The series will debut in December.
