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According to T.I. is prepared to testify in court against the alleged murderer of his best friend and body guard Philant Johnson aka “Big Phil” who was shot and killed last year after a performance...
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And the Winner is……..THE WORLD!!!

Well unless you’ve been trapped in the 3rd layer of the Earths crust. You’ve probably already heard BARACK OBAMA is the 44th President of the United States. A historic evening from the Rally in Grant Park t...
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The Hip Hop Effect

It goes without saying that the culture of Hip Hop has had a tremendous effect on this years election. By tremendously supplementing the motivation and inspiration that Barack Obama has provided us ALL. I can ...
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40 Years in the Making…The Time is NOW!!!

22 months of campaigning full of rallies, TV ads, interviews, and we’re finally here, ELECTION DAY.  The culmination of a combined effort totaling millions of collective man hours and billions of dollars, ...