Peace: A Party for a Cause. December 15 @ Dazzling from Ayah on Vimeo.
It's been hard to avoid the climate of discontent in the Middle East within Syria and within the Gaza area. While many during this time o...
While the issues of crime, gang culture and unemployment aren't new to Chicago, the recent emergence of a number of Chicago rappers has brought more of focus onto the Chicago way of life. BET takes a look ...
I often wonder just what goes through the minds of today's mainstream rappers as they turn out plate after plate of "music" for the microwave era. Is it possible that they are as desensitized to the language ...
The defeated GOP candidate famously disparaged Obama as the candidate of the 47 percent. Now, liberals gleefully view Mitt's final tally as poetic justice. As the popular vote tally is nearing completion, rep...
In Gaza City efforts to end a week-old crisis of Israeli-Palestinian violence has drawn in the world's top diplomats with Pres. Barack Obama dispatching his secretary of state to the region today on a...
It's a week after Barack Obama secured his 2nd term as President of the United States and no time has been wasted for those on the opposite side of political spectrum to make noise about how bad they feel the...
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As the devastation of hurricane Sandy is still fresh in the northeast states of the U.S government officials on the local, state and ...
While polls show that President Obama and challenger Mitt Romney are in a close race to decide who will be "Leader of the Free World" for the next 4 years, the contest it a laughable landslide internationally...
The final presidential debate of the 2012 election is finally over. "Who won?" is the question of the night on social media.
It is clearer than ever that this will be a very close and tight election coming up...