Fresh off releasing his long-awaited and highly-anticipated third solo album, Since I Have A Lover, this past Friday. Very talented and renowned singer and songwriter, as well as rapper and groundbreaking artist, 6LACK. Returns to the album today by debuting a little over a couple of hours ago through Vevo. The brand new AboveGround-directed video for one of the album’s most standout tracks and already a true fan favorite from many, preach.
The grainy and beautifully stunning cinematically well-captured new video. Opening with 6LACK overlooking the city. Right before it pans to him sitting in a bed praying and you see that it is in an isolated room that is like a prison. As he stars rapping and singing the soulfully real relatable lyrics about all the pain we all go through trying to better ourselves. While also trying to rebuke our sins to teach others on what not to do. 6LACK realizing he is here to help bring that great soul and feeling back to music we can all learn from to better ourselves.
The grainy and beautifully well-captured cinematography captured by AboveGround of 6LACK throughout the visual isolated. As he does everything from working out to praying and performing this beautifully soulful and relatable record in the rain. Really helping bring this record to life even more. While also showing why from his music to his videos and performances. 6LACK is one of the more talented artists in all of music right now. Who almost always virtually puts the ART in artist in a way most of us all can relate to and really need in music right now.