A little over two years after Kent Jamz and Buddy released their very stellar collaboration project, Janktape Vol. 1. The duo returns with a new collaboration, Rollin’ Wit The Homies. Which is also Jamz introduction and first single as a solo artist. After several years as a member of the LA-based group, OverDoz.
Looking to step out on his own as a solo artist. The feel-good and chill new record from Jamz. Is a sort of play and homage to the iconic scene in Clueless. As well as an ode to one of Kent’s friend who passed away during the pandemic. A very fun and feel-good accompanying madebyJAMES-directed video. That sees both Jamz and Buddy chilling with their homies. Around different areas of their hometown. Also being released in conjunction with the single.
The very feel-good and fun new visual. Also featuring popular L.A.-based dancer, Tommy the Clown and Hip Hop Clowns crew. Who popularized, “Krumping.”