Despite any doubters. GRAMMY and Oscar Award-winning singer and songwriter, as well as multi-instrumentalists, H.E.R. Has made it through all the highs and lows. That so many of us go through in life and can relate to.
Riding off more of those highs as of late. H.E.R. so joyfully and triumphantly sings about the long ride it has been to achieve all of her career accomplishments. At such a young age. On her very triumphant and celebratory new single, We Made It.
The new single from H.E.R. The fifth and likely last single before she drops her long-awaited and highly-anticipated debut album, Back of My Mind. Which was just revealed to have a release date of June 18th. Exactly a week from today.
We Made It. Also serves as the opening track of the album. With the very amazing guitar shed and beautiful piano playing from H.E.R. To close out the record. Also showing why H.E.R. is one of the best pure artists and multi-instruments in all of music right now. That’s why she’s also so respected and loved so much by not only her fans. As a fan favorite of so many, but by plenty of her peers as well.