I’m a people watcher. Offline and online I observe certain folk, curious as to what they’ll do and where their path will take them. NY rhyme slinger Persia has had my lyrical eye for awhile now due to a consistent level of musical quality that she brings every time she’s on the mic. It’s a been a couple months since our last dose of P’s cooking. Since setting it off in the Spring w/ multiple freestyle offerings she’s been playing a lil low key and while she always an interesting follow on twitter, I was patiently waiting for what was next. Wait no more.
As the 1st day of summer brought 90 degree temps and a 100+ degree heat index, Persia gives us one of the hottest joints I’ve ever heard from her. Persia with the killer flow and sounding smooth on the Hook, “Major” is a stand out track for a few reasons. Not only are the bars up to expected levels but the street braggadocio flow is far more hitting, far more authentic then what is currently being fed to the masses. The production seamlessly sets the tone for a Major figure about to make serious moves.
You may catch Persia online in Mother mode, Hustler status, or late night NSFW trouble maker but there’s no denying she’s a talent that someone needs to wake up and put on. That would definitely be Major.