Every time I think I can no longer be shocked by the insanity that human beings are capable of I’m proven wrong and left wondering as the late, great American poet Mr. Marvin Gaye once wondered, “What’s going on”?
Enter the new, and what hopefully will not become popular, internet craze called, DISREPECTFULLY ENOUGH, “Trayvoning”. Trayvoning is when you pose with a can of ice tea and a pack of skittles while wearing a hoodie while pretending to be dead. Someone takes the picture and then posts it on the internet. All of this, of course, is disgustingly mocking the tragic and senseless death of young Trayvon Martin, who was murdered George Zimmerman.
This new “fad”, started by white youth and supported by several Facebook groups(since removed) is also defended across the internet by the youth partaking in this despicable act. The website Hypervocal has one particularly moronic quote from one of the group members of one of these Facebook pages(there’s a video at the above link as well)
“Hurr durr, says the internet, its just a joke! Mocking the dead kid is funny and totally removed from its racial context”! When provoked, group members try to justify the disgusting acts, saying “they’re combating racism against whites. That whites have become more oppressed”.
Whites can no more be oppressed in this country, than can pigs fly. It’s just not possible. Hopefully, with enough of the right kind of attention brought to this overtly racist and disgustingly disrespectful fad, this can be squashed before it gets any real momentum behind it. Every time I see or hear about something this deplorable I’m also left thinking of that Kanye West line, “Racism’s still alive, they just be concealing it”. Except in this case, its not concealed too much now is it?