Above is the video detailing the attrocities commited by Joseph Kony. He is a murderer, kidnapper, rapist and genocidist. He must be stopped. There is a viral movement as well as a Twitter movement aimed at bringing attention to this demon in the hopes that he is brought to justice. He claims to be a freedom fighter and a Christian man. But what is he fighting for? And why the need to kidnap children, murder innocents and rape women? Everyone needs to do their part in stopping evil. The inky thing that evil needs to triumph, is for good men to so nothing.
Here is more information on Joseph Kony and the so-called Lords Resistance Army:
Kony, whose army abducts children and takes women as sex slaves, has been indicted by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity committed during a decades-long insurgency against Uganda’s government. The group has been blamed for the murder of thousands of civilians in four countries, and the U.S. classifies it as a terrorist organization.Myths surround the LRA’s leader, Joseph Kony, who enjoys a cult-like respect.Kony calls himself a “freedom fighter,”although it is unclear why he is fighting.Last October, President Obamaannounced that 100 US troops would be dispatched to central Africa as advisers to those fighting against the LRA. The LRA is reportedly fractured and weakened, however its leader Joseph Kony remains at large.